Trip Log Day 10: Disney Magic – Castaway Cay

Trip log, day ten. Castaway Cay.
3-Night San Juan to Port Canaveral Cruise from San Juan, Puerto Rico
October 20, 2014

Personal Navigator – Day 3

Day 3 Disney Magic Castaway Cay 20141020 AM

We were greeted by a nice sunrise on our last full day aboard the Disney Magic. Porthole Sunrise Near Castaway Cay

We still had over an hour to go before arriving at Castaway Cay, so Emily started our laundry and hit the gym. It turns out that this was a excellent time to wash clothes as all the machines on our floor were available. We prefer to take home clean clothes and just unpack, rather than do laundry once we get home.

Laundry Room Disney MagicIsabelle and I got ready for breakfast while we waited for the wash cycle to finish. We stopped in the laundry room to put the clothes in the dryer and headed up to Cabanas for breakfast. Emily eventually joined us after her workout. Over the last few days, I had been sampling the Joffrey’s Coffee that replaced Nescafe earlier this summer. The first few days I was not really impressed, but then I decided to try it with real Splenda, which I normally use at home. My early cruise aversion to the the Joffrey’s had to do more with the generic Splenda that is available on the ship. In the end, I am thrilled with the change, but that certainly doesn’t mean everyone is happy with the change.

Joffrey's Coffee At Cabanas

On the way back from breakfast, I stopped to get the laundry. As we were folding our clothes, the announcement was made that the Magic had been cleared and the gangways were open; only then did we realize that I forgot about the second washer full of clothes…. If you are doing the math, that meant that there are wet clothes waiting for me in the laundry room with a 45 minute date with the dryer. Emily and Isabelle went ashore while I stayed back to wait out the dryer. This time did allow me to catch up the previous two days worth of trip logs, so not all was lost.

With dry clothes folded and put away, it was time to join the family on the island. First, I had to go see one of the happiest Castaway Cay residents, Olaf!
Hanging With Olaf At Castaway Cay

Coincidentally, I arrived just as a server was walking by… it was time for the drink of the day, a Stingray.

Drink Of The Day Stingray At Castaway Cay

The water was relatively warm so we spent the morning snorkeling. It looks like underwater Mickey Mouse received an unrealistic refurbishment (at least in my opinion) compared to the deteriorating shipwreck in the surrounding area. Rather than looking like it was part of the ship, it looks like it was placed there last month.
Castaway Cay Snorkeliing Repainted Mickey Mouse Figure

Overall, we had a great time snorkeling, In fact, there were a lot of fish in the area — way more than we have seen in the past. With the help of Mother Nature who delivered some amazing weather, the water was nice and clear and the tide was out, which made the sites easier to see.

Beautiful Day At Castaway Cay

After our snorkeling adventure, it was time for lunch. Once we finished, Isabelle was itching to get to Scuttle’s Cove to join her friends, so we checked her and and walked around the shops before sitting down for a chat with another family we met earlier in the week on a port adventure. As is typical at Castaway Cay, the time flies and sure enough it was soon time to return to the ship.

The Disney Magic At Castaway Cay

Back onboard, I remembered to snap a shot of the new cabanas that are under construction and as you can see below, there has been a great deal of progress since our last update in March.

Castaway Cay Cabana Construction UpdateTo cap off our cruise we had one last dinner at Palo, which allowed Isabelle to spend a most of the evening in the Oceaneer Lab/Club. For the third time in 10-nights, we were seated in Nikola’s section. If you are ever seated in Nikola’s section, you will be in for a treat. Emily went with the wine pairing, and felt the presentation of the dishes were a bit different than what she was served on the Disney Fantasy. I was not really sure what to order, so I asked Nikola for a recommendation between the lamb and the turbot, and he suggested lamb so I went with it. I was pleasantly surprised and really enjoyed the layers of flavor. Now keep in mind,  I do not recall the last time I had eaten lamb and for some reason, I had always avoided lamb since childhood. I really think trying new things, food in particular, is one of the great things about cruising. More often than not, I end up enjoying the dish. Plus, there are lots of options if you end up not liking it.

Palo Dinner Plate

As you can see by the map, we were headed back to reality. We picked up Isabelle from he Oceaneer Lab, finished packing and went to bed.Day 3 Disney Magic Castaway Cay 20141020 PM

Trip Log Day 11 – Port Canaveral – Back to Reality

Back to reality indeed. We opted for Express Walk-Off, where you keep your luggage in your stateroom and are able to leave the ship as soon as it is cleared by local authorities. This was a new experience for us as today was a school day for Isabelle and a work day for Emily and I. We were in the atrium soon after the gangway was opened and off this ship in a matter of minutes.

Disney Cruise LIne Express Walk Off

Customs was a breeze as there were multiple lanes open and we were in the car a little after 7:15 AM.
Sunrise At Port Canaveral
Thanks for following along with us on our journey to the Southern Caribbean as well as the trip back to Port Canaveral. Once things normalize shoreside, I hope to share some of the videos shot on the GoPro.

Complete Trip Log Index

First Leg – 7-night Southern Caribbean Cruise

Second Leg – 3-Night San Juan to Port Canaveral Cruise

7 Replies to “Trip Log Day 10: Disney Magic – Castaway Cay”

  1. Les schubert

    Thank you for sharing your trip. It was great reading about all of your adventures. I cant wait for our 9th Disney Cruise in March on the Wonder

  2. Disneydreamin

    Love love love to read your trip reports! Please go to Alaska and Med. Cruise out of Barcelona so I can live vicariously through your adventures😃😃 Those are definitely 2 I would love to do!!!


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