Personal Navigators: 4-Night Western Caribbean Cruise from New Orleans – February 14, 2022

Personal Navigators, and other handouts from the  4-Night Western Caribbean Cruise from New Orleans. The Disney Wonder set sail from New Orleans, Louisiana on February 14, 2022. There are additional Personal Navigators from other sailings of this same itinerary for comparison. During this cruise, the ship was under the control of Captain Damir Vukonic. The Cruise Director during the sailing was Stephen Cloete. 

Day 1 – February 14, 2022 – New Orleans, Louisiana

Guests Onboard: 3:30 pm
Attire: Cruise Casual
Drink of the Day: Unknown • Non-Alcoholic: Unknown
Dinner Menus:

Evening Entertainment

Day 2 – February 15, 2022 – At Sea

Attire: Cruise Casual
Drink of the Day: Unknown • Non-Alcoholic: Unknown
Dinner Menus:

Evening Entertainment

Day 3 – February 16, 2022 – Cozumel, Mexico

Guests Ashore: 8:30 am Guests Onboard: 4:45 pm
Attire: Pirate or Cruise Casual
Drink of the Day: Unknown • Non-Alcoholic: Unknown
Dinner Menus:

Evening Entertainment

Day 4 – February 17, 2022 – At Sea

Attire: Cruise Casual
Drink of the Day: Unknown • Non-Alcoholic: Unknown
Dinner Menus:

Evening Entertainment

Buena Vista Theatre Movies

Thank you John for sharing.
If you have any navigators you would be willing to share, please send me an email. If you would rather upload the files you can use our upload form.

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