Disney’s Aladdin – A Musical Spectacular is a live stage show, performed in the 1,340-seat Walt Disney Theatre aboard the Disney Fantasy. The production features the cast from the classic animated Disney film, Aladdin, in a fast-paced musical comedy. Aladdin, the street rat oaf Agrabah, meets a wise-cracking Genie, battles the evil Jafar, and falls in love with the beautiful and spirited Princess Jasmine.
Magic lamps, wise-cracking genies, princesses, evil wizards, a magic flying carpet scene and soaring music are all a part of this stage spectacular.
Disney’s Aladdin – A Musical Spectacular premiered with the launch of the Disney Fantasy’s in March 2012.
In May 2019, the show was re-imagined and relaunched alongside the debut of the new live action version of Aladdin. The updated show with some of the new movie dialogue along with some costume changes/set changes. The show was dark for a couple months leading up to the relaunch.
In April 2021, Disney Cruise Line revealed Disney’s Aladdin – A Musical Spectacular will be offered on the Disney Wish.
Disney’s Aladdin: A Musical Spectacular Scenes & Musical Numbers (2012 – Early-2019)
SCENE 1 | Prologue
- Arabian Nights – Narrator & Ensemble
SCENE 2 | The Cave of Wonders
SCENE 3 | The Streets of Agrabah
- One Jump – Aladdin, Guards, Window Lady, & Ensemble
SCENE 4 | The Race of Wonders Revisited
- Friend Like Me – Genie, Aladdin, Magic Carpet, & Ensemble
SCENE 5 | The Sultan’s Palace
- Prince Ali – Genie, Aladdin, Magic Carpet, Jasmine, Sultan, & Ensemble
SCENE 6 | Jasmine’s Quarters
- Lucky Bird – Jasmine
SCENE 7 | The Skies Above Agrabah
- A Whole New World – Jasmine & Aladdin
SCENE 8 | The Sultan’s Palace
- Prince Ali Reprise – Jafar
- Wedding Celebration / Finale – Full Company
Audition Scripts and Music
- Aladdin (Renewed Offering)
- Aladdin (Original)
- Jasmine (Renewed Offering)
- Jasmine (Original)
- Genie
- Jafar
- Iago
Below is a video recording of the Disney’s Aladdin – A Musical Spectacular as presented on the stateroom TV.