The Grand Cayman Calendar Update Sends the Fantasy Exclusively East

Over the course of the past few weeks, there has been a change to the Grand Cayman port calendar we looked at in January. If you recall, when we analyzed the port calendars, there appeared to be multiple conflicting calls showing the Fantasy weekly in St Maarten and every other week in Grand Cayman. Since she cannot be in both regions at the same time, this led to the idea that the Fantasy may have been a placeholder on the St Maarten calendar for the Magic or Wonder sailing alternating Caribbean itineraries opposite the Fantasy. As of February 4, 2013 the [Disney_Fantasy] no longer appears on the Grand Cayman port calendar after November 11, 2014. This slight change offers a clearer picture for the Fall of 2014 and the first half of 2015.

Looking at the St Maarten and Grand Cayman calendars side by side, we can see that the Wonder is in Grand Cayman every Wednesday starting the same week that the Fantasy begins to appear weekly on the St Maarten calendar.

Caribbean Eastern & Western Fantasy & Wonder 2014-2015

If these calendar entries are accurate, then one could conclude that the Fantasy will be sailing only 7-Night Eastern Caribbean cruises, while the Wonder sails 7-Night Western Caribbean cruises from November 2014 through May 2015.

More developments to follow…..

One Reply to “The Grand Cayman Calendar Update Sends the Fantasy Exclusively East”

  1. Lisa

    Do you know when they are going to announce the rest of the 2014 itinerary. Have a dummy reservation holding for Christmas 2014 on The Fantasy and Eastern works for me. We did Western in 2012.


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