The Cayman Islands recently released a phased re-opening plan to the public. The re-opening plan for the Cayman Islands is built on safely reintroducing tourism to the economy, and travel for residents via a five-phased approach with assessment at each phase. Assessments will be conducted using the best available medical science and data to determine transition to the next phase. Transition between phases will be determined by the Chief Medical Officer which will take into consideration the prevalence rates in main Cayman Islands travel markets, local vaccination rate, prevalence of variants of concern, levels of hospitalization and death rates.
Following a successful transition from Phase 5 – currently estimated for assessment by January 27, 2022, the Cayman Islands will move into the Welcome Back phase at which time cruise tourism will be considered. During a July 8th legislative luncheon, Hon. G. Wayne Panton, Premier and Minister for Sustainability and Climate Resiliency said, “they would begin to welcome all travelers and start the re-introduction of cruise tourism.”
We will first assess the COVID-19 situation on 27 January next year in a local and international context to determine when and how to proceed with further relaxation of restrictions and travel.
If the assessment allows, we would begin to welcome all travelers and start the re-introduction of cruise tourism. It is anticipated that at this point there would no longer be any quarantine restrictions for any travelers; no restrictions on public gathering limits or public transport capacity; and no restrictions on certain business operations such as the rental of scuba and snorkeling equipment, use of hookahs, water pipes and so on.
Statement on Cruise Tourism: Hon. G. Wayne Panton, Premier and Minister for Sustainability and Climate Resiliency
Based on the wording here, cruise tourism will be evaluated by January 27th, this in no way means cruises will resume on or around this date. You can read more about the Cayman Islands reposing plan here. This phased approach reinforces the Prime Ministers January update where it was reported cruising was not expected in 2021 and furthermore hints at limiting cruise ships going forward.
So what does this mean for booked cruises for this year with Cayman on the itinerary?
At this point, nothing until a ship begins to sail with Grand Cayman on an itinerary. Then, that would be a sea day, or it could be changed to another port of call such as Costa Maya.