Revised Deck Plans featuring 2015 Dry Dock Changes to the Disney Magic and Disney Dream

This week, Disney Cruise Line published revised deck plans for the entire fleet. The new deck plans feature all the enhancements from the 2015 dry docks of the Disney Magic and Disney Dream. I modified the deck plans to include the laundry locations.

The new deck plans for the Disney Magic & Disney Wonder show the new and relocated spaces as well as the new deck 2 staterooms. Four of the new staterooms on the Magic are connecting! For more on the Disney Magic’s 2015 click over to this article.

DCL Deck Plans Magic Wonder October 2015

The Disney Dream & Disney Fantasy deck plan show the addition of Vanellope’s Sweets & Treats on deck 11 aft, the addition of the forward funnel puddle on deck 12 and Satellite Falls on deck 13 forward. For an overview of the changes underway on the Disney Dream check out this article.

DCL Deck Plans Dream Fantasy October 2015

For even more on the Disney Dream’s 2015 dry dock be sure to follow along as we will be sailing her first cruise back at the end of October.

Thank you Sue Ellen Soto-Rios from for emailing me the deck plans.

5 Replies to “Revised Deck Plans featuring 2015 Dry Dock Changes to the Disney Magic and Disney Dream”

  1. Ric R

    Thanks! Big file sizes, high resolution, and PNG format. Could not ask for more than that. Really appreciate you sharing these.

  2. Melissa

    I noticed for the Spa area (Dream only) it has a Juice Bar…is that an addition with dry dock? *feeling excited*


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