Castaway Cay Construction Update: Summertime Freeze

Construction on the new Frozen inspired Summertime Freeze building is well underway at Castaway Cay. Summertime Freeze will offer guests non-alcoholic frozen drink options such as Olaf’s Flurry Freeze and Sven’s Carrot Delight. Concept artwork for the new structure was revealed during the Disney Parks Blog DCL event a couple weeks ago.

DCL Summertime Freeze Castaway Cay Concept Art

Nick Cucerzan and his wife Christi, recently spent the day exploring the island while sailing on the Disney Magic shared the following construction photos with us.

CC Summertime Freeze Front No Signage

It appears that most of the appliances and workspaces have already been installed inside Summertime Freeze.

CC Summertime Freeze Inside

The new construction is located by the second tram stop near the bike trail and across from Flippers and Floats.

CC Summertime Freeze Location


CC Summertime Freeze Flippers Floats

A blueprint for the structure was taped to the wall. Nick promises to dig up the original photo so we can get a better look.

CC Summertime Freeze Blueprint

UPDATE: Higher resolution photos of the blueprints.

CC Summertime Freeze Blueprint Details CC Summertime Freeze Blueprint Full

A grand opening date has not been announced.

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