Toy Story: The Musical was a rock musical inspired by Disney·Pixar’s Toy Story. The show was created by Walt Disney Creative Entertainment for Disney Cruise Line, replacing the earlier Hercules: The Muse-Ical. After a year of pre-production and workshops, it had a soft premiere on board the Disney Wonder in March 2008, with an official opening on April 10, 2008.
The show was directed by Los Angeles-based director, Stefan Novinski, and choreographed by New York-based choreographer, Warren Adams. Throughout the 55-minute musical, there are 6 original songs, written by Valerie Vigoda and Brendan Milburn. It also features one song from the original soundtrack of the animated feature, “You’ve Got a Friend in Me”, written by Randy Newman. Music direction and arranging was handled by Los Angeles-based music director, David O. The book was written by New-York based lyricist, Mindi Dickstein, who penned the lyrics for the Little Women musical on Broadway. Sets were designed by Los Angeles-based set designer, Sibyl Wickersheimer, costumes were created by Los Angeles-based avant garde costumer, Ann Closs-Farley, lighting was designed by New York-based designer, Jason Kantrowitz, and sound design was by Los Angeles-based designer Drew Dalzell.
Toy Story – The Musical was retired and replaced by Frozen, A Musical Spectacular in November 2016.
Toy Story – The Musical Scenes
- You’ve Got A Friend In Me – Andy
- That’s Why We’re Here – Woody and Toys
- To Infinity And Beyond – Buzz, Woody and Toys
- One Toy – Woody
- The Claw – Little Green Aliens, Buzz, Woody and Sid
- Make A Little Noise – Sid
- Make A Little Noise (Reprise) – Sid
- That’s Why We’re Here (Duet) (Reprise) – Woody and Buzz
- Busted / Make A Lot Of Noise – Woody, Buzz, Sid and Mutant Toys
- You’ve Got A Friend In Me (Reprise) / That’s Why We’re Here (Reprise) – Bo Peep, Woody, Buzz, Andy and Toys
- Bows / To Infinity And Beyond (Reprise) – Full Company
Audition Scripts and Music
Below is a video of Toy Story – The Musical from 2012 as shown on the stateroom TV.