Disney Treasure Ship’s Log Update – Venue Artwork & Wallpapers

Today, the Disney Parks Blog posted a new entry into the Disney Treasure’s Ship Log with a look at some artwork from senior concept designer, Lina Barr whose role on the project is to create custom artwork that will outfit the signature venues.

DCL Treasure Ship Log Artist Spotlight Lina Barr

The photos above show Lina in her office, where she is currently in the process of finalizing several new pieces for the Disney Treasure, along with a sneak peek at some of the artwork she is working on.

DCL Treasure Ship Log Artist Spotlight Lina Barr Concept

Lina shared the following about her creative process in the Disney Treasure Ship log entry on the Disney Parks Blog

It begins with a conversation with the Walt Disney Imagineering team, where she learns about the theming of each venue planned for the Disney Treasure, whether that be the Agrabah-inspired Grand Hall or the Jungle Cruise-inspired lounge, Skipper Society. This is not your typical meeting, but instead a true, collaborative brainstorm between artist and interior designer. These conversations empower Lina to develop dynamic artwork that will complement each space onboard. She leans into the inspiration for each venue to create a rough sketch on her computer to start, later adding color and details.

The magic is so often in the small details that Lina imbues in her pieces, from hidden Mickeys to other story-driven Easter eggs that future guests can discover during their voyage. After a project is completed, Lina loves watching guests react to her designs as they encounter secret storytelling that only true Disney fans would notice.

Disney also shared a few additional samples of Lina’s artwork for the Disney Treasure as downloadable wallpapers for your computer or mobile device.

Phone Wallpaper

Desktop Wallpaper

The Disney Parks Blog is asking where we think this artwork may end up. What do you think, could this be part of the yet to be revealed venue on the Disney Treasure where Nightingale’s is located on the Disney Wish?

One Reply to “Disney Treasure Ship’s Log Update – Venue Artwork & Wallpapers”

  1. Mary T

    This is gorgeous! And awesome — my wife hates cruises (but she “didn’t dislike as much” the one DCL I got her on — I’ve been on 7 just counting DCL. But her favorite things are big cats, tigers in particular which she’s ‘met’ in her TV production career. Her favorite Disney film is 20K Leagues. I watched the sizzle reel promo alone first with a widening evil grin. Then I made her watch it sitting somewhat behind me and complaining…until I could hear the teeth gnashing and quiet swearing. Add the SW Loth-Cat and I did my best Internal Darth Vader ‘I have you now…’ I showed her this tonight and all I got back was “I hate you. Where’s it go again and for how long?’ I just chuckled and walked away. Gonna try for a shoulder season next year. Love it!


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