For the first time in forever, Disney Cruise Line shared full video of Frozen, A Musical Spectacular to enjoy on land featuring the opening cast. Frozen, A Musical Spectacular is presented exclusively aboard the Disney Wonder and Disney Fantasy. The show originally debuted on the Wonder in November 2016 and last October on the Disney Fantasy. The show is a full-length retelling of Anna and Elsa’s Frozen adventure in Arendelle based on the Disney animated movie. Frozen, A Musical Spectacular revisits the captivating escapades of royal sisters Anna and Elsa when an accident as children changes their lives—and their relationship—forever.
The production runs just about an hour. Enjoy!
Disney previously shared a sneak peak of the show, but is the first time Disney has shared a full performance. In the Spring, Disney shared a virtual compressed version of Beauty and the Beast then in the the Summer, shared the full show of Tangled The Musical.
Not enough Frozen? The Disney Parks Blog shared a printable activity and recipe for Frozen Popcorn Snowballs inspired by the show.