Disney Wish Construction Appears to be Underway at Neptun Werft in Germany

A video appeared on inselvideo’s YouTube channel showing what is being reported as the Disney Wish’s engine room module at the Neptun Werft shipyard in Rostock, Germany.

According to the video description, the engine room is built at this particular shipyard. The following video from Neptun Werft, provides a look at the engine room construction process.

Unfortunately for those hoping to hear more about the Disney Wish, the early fanfare from Disney seems to be on hold while we deal with a pandemic.

Disney Cruise Line has commissioned MEYER WERFT with the construction of three new ships, and the Disney Wish will be delivered in late-2021. The Disney Wish will be the first vessel in the Disney fleet to feature an eco-friendly LNG drive system.

MEYER WERFT built two cruise ships for Disney Cruise Line in 2010 and 2011, the Disney Dream and Disney Fantasy. They became the largest ocean liners ever built in Germany at the time of their completion. And the three vessels in the Triton Class will be even bigger. The 135,000 GT Disney Wish will have 1250 guest cabins.

4 Replies to “Disney Wish Construction Appears to be Underway at Neptun Werft in Germany”

  1. Peter Perini

    Interesting to see what appears to be openings for two large liquid natural gas tanks, and one of those tanks being set in place.

  2. BartmanLA

    The second video is a Meyer-Werft produced video to show production practices, it has nothing to do with the Wish construction.

  3. Ana Gaillat

    I love seeing the Dream and the Fantasy referred to as “ocean liners”. I know the purists will disagree, but I see them as such in spirit and in practical parameters (for the most part…)


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