In honor of World Oceans Day (June 8th), Disney Cruise Line launched a new video series titled, Behind the Waves. The series features Jenna Ortega who plays Harley Diaz in the new Disney Channel series Stuck in the Middle. Jenna gives viewers an inside look at the many ways Disney Cruise Line is helping to protect the environment.
In this first video, Jenna meets with a Disney Cruise Line animal expert to learn more about how guests can connect with nature on Castaway Cay, Disney’s private island, and how Disney Cruise Line is involved in a multi-year project to restore the health of coral reefs. Viewers can look forward to additional Behind the Waves videos in the coming months about onboard energy efficiencies, water conservation and recycling efforts.
Learn more about other Disney Cruise Line environmental efforts check out DCL’s Environmental Fact Sheet. For more information on World Oceans Day please visit their website.
That’s nice.