Dedicated Domain Name Registered for Adventures By Disney’s European River Cruise Offerings

Late last week, Disney registered The new domain name redirects to the European River Cruises page on the Adventures by Disney website. While registering a domain name takes little effort, especially for a large corporation, it could suggest Adventures by Disney may be looking increase exposure of the river cruises and maybe continue their river cruise offerings into the future or even expand.

ABD River Cruise Website March 2016

Early last year, Adventures by Disney announced a partnership with AMAWaterways which is building a river cruise ship, AmaViola, to cater to the ABD market. The ABD river cruise sailings are scheduled to begin late this year.

It should be noted that Disney Cruise Line is not involved with the ABD River Cruises. We are posting this information as it may be of interest to those looking for Disney vacation that involves a boat.

UPDATE: August 2016 – Another Domain Name Registered

Disney registered which redirects to the ABD River Cruise page.

5 Replies to “Dedicated Domain Name Registered for Adventures By Disney’s European River Cruise Offerings”

  1. George

    Could this mean Disney is working on the launch of there own river cruise line? Last timed I checked the ABD site the asked me if I was interested in a river cruise.


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