Wine & Dine Packages

This menu page has been archived. Please visit our Menu Explorer for the most up-to-date Wine & Dine Bottle Packages menu in our collection.

Disney Cruise Line Wine & Dine Wine Packages Menu for 3, 4, 5 and 7 night sailings. Packages can save up to 25% off the per bottle price. The Wine & Dine bottle packages are available from your serving team in all dining rooms except Remy aboard the Disney Dream and Disney Fantasy and Enchanté aboard the Disney Wish.

Choose from one of the Wine Packages below for a savings of up to 25%. The packages are per number of nights of the selected wine package. So, for example a 4-night package would be four bottles of wine.

Classic Packages

  • 3-Night Package  $100
  • 4-Night Package $130
  • 5-Night Package $156
  • 7-Night Package $210

Premium Packages

  • 3-Night Package  $150
  • 4-Night Package $199
  • 5-Night Package $244
  • 7-Night Package $320

A 18% gratuity will be added for the servicing your bottle package.

Wine Packages FAQ

What happens if I don’t drink all the wine?
You can take it home with you.  You are allowed to carry up to 2 bottles of wine off the ship.

Can I drink more than one bottle per evening?
Yes, you have purchased a package and may order more than one bottle per evening.

What if we don’t finish a bottle in one evening?
You can take it back to your stateroom with you or your server team can rotate it to your next Dining Experience.

Previous Wine & Dine Brochure

March 2019

June 2016

July 2015

Circa 2015

Circa 2012

Wine & Dine - Wine Packages Menu
Wine & Dine – Wine Packages Menu