“Disney The Little Mermaid” will be an original Broadway-style stage adaptation of the renowned 1989 Disney Animation film developed exclusively for the Disney Wish. During this one-of-a-kind theatrical production, audiences will rediscover the iconic scenes, acclaimed music and beloved characters of “The Little Mermaid” while experiencing the story like never before.
In this modern-day retelling, the curtain will rise on an enchanted treasure chest at the moment it is discovered by a group of storytellers, led by a special young woman who has the power to unlock its magic. As they uncover the whozits and whatzits galore hidden within the trunk, the storytellers will take on the roles of Ariel, Ursula, Prince Eric, Sebastian, Flounder and more, bringing to life the immersive undersea world right before guests’ eyes. They’ll put their own contemporary spin on the timeless story of a young woman’s search for independence, love and a place in the world.
The creative minds at Disney Cruise Line have joined forces with a team of top Broadway talent to bring this treasured tale to life through an elaborate, whimsical and resonant storytelling experience that will offer audiences a brand-new way to be part of Ariel’s world.
“Disney The Little Mermaid” will feature innovative theatrical design, dazzling special effects, artistic choreography, and a reimagined script and score that will surprise and delight guests of all ages.
- New orchestrations of favorite songs like “Part of Your World,” “Poor Unfortunate Souls” and “Under the Sea” will enchant audiences with moving ensemble pieces and breathtaking production numbers.
- Unexpectedly playful scenic designs and state-of-the-art video projections will transform the Walt Disney Theatre into 360-degree undersea environment.
- Contemporary, interpretive costuming will reflect the show’s unique blending of a modern setting and a mystical, fantastical story.
- Cutting-edge puppetry will animate fantastical sea creatures and characters such as Sebastian, Flounder, Scuttle, and Flotsam and Jetsam in never-before-seen ways.
“‘The Little Mermaid’ is a timeless story, one that transcends generations,” said Shelby Jiggetts-Tivony, vice president, creative and advanced development, Disney Live Entertainment. “Our hope is that this new stage adaptation aboard the Disney Wish continues that incredible legacy, not by simply reenacting the elements that make the original film so powerful, but by reinterpreting it in a way that resonates with the audience sitting in the theater each night.”
Disney The Little Mermaid was announced during the 2021 Destination D23 event at Walt Disney World.
The official debut aboard the Disney Wish is scheduled during the Maiden voyage sailing from Port Canaveral on June 9, 2022, but will likely soft open during preview sailings prior.
Below are links to our articles leading up to the debut of the The Little Mermaid musical aboard the Disney Wish.