Know Before You Go Updates: Bermuda Sailings – August 15, 2022

Along with today’s update to Disney Cruise Line’s Know Before You Go pages detailing the latest health and safety protocols specific to vaccinations and testing. Guests booked on upcoming sailings which include a stop in Bermuda will receive an additional email regarding specific requirements for their cruise based on requirements set forth by the Government of Bermuda.

DCL Know Before You Go 20220815

Disney Cruise Line issued the following email to guests booked on the Disney Magic’s Sunday September 18, 2022 12-Night Westbound Transatlantic Cruise from Dover which features a scheduled stop in Bermuda.

DCL Email Know Before Bermuda Transatlantic 20220815


Reservation #:


All of us at Disney Cruise Line look forward to welcoming you aboard the Disney Magic. We are reaching out with important information on the Bermuda Travel Authorization required for your upcoming sailing.

The Bermuda government requires all cruise ship passengers 2 years of age and older have an approved Bermuda Travel Authorization before arriving at the cruise embarkation terminal. The cost of the travel authorization application fee is $40.00 per person. All passengers 12 years of age and older must be fully vaccinated, and are required to upload their proof of vaccination at time of application. Children, ages 11 and younger, who are not fully vaccinated are welcome to enter Bermuda with a fully vaccinated parent or guardian.

In addition to obtaining an approved Travel Authorization and providing proof of vaccination, the Government of Bermuda requires all Guests on the transatlantic sailing from Dover to New York, including Guests who have identified as 90-day-recovered, complete an antigen test onboard the ship no more than two days prior to arrival in Bermuda. Guests who do not participate in this testing will be unable to debark the ship in Bermuda. Further details about this testing will be shared onboard.

Please visit the Government of Bermuda website for information and instructions on how to submit your travel authorization application and COVID-19 vaccination and testing requirements. Once approved, the Quarantine Authority in Bermuda will email your approved Travel Authorization. All Guests must have an electronic or paper copy of the Travel Authorization to show at embarkation.

While Bermuda’s entry requirements are independent of Disney Cruise Line’s COVID-19 vaccination and testing requirements previously communicated for your sailing, test results submitted to Disney Cruise Line satisfy Bermuda’s testing requirements.

Disney Cruise Line’s vaccination and testing requirements can be found in the Know Before You Go section of our website at

Again, we look forward to your arrival and appreciate you taking the required steps necessary to sail with us.


The Cast & Crew

Disney Cruise Line

Disney Cruise Line issued the following email to guests booked on the following Disney Magic sailings from New York with a scheduled stop in Bermuda.

DCL Email Know Before Bermuda 20220815


Reservation #:


All of us at Disney Cruise Line look forward to welcoming you aboard the Disney Magic. We are reaching out with important information on the Bermuda Travel Authorization required for your upcoming sailing.

The Bermuda government requires all cruise ship passengers 2 years of age and older have an approved Bermuda Travel Authorization before arriving at the cruise embarkation terminal. The cost of the travel authorization application fee is $40.00 per person. All passengers 12 years of age and older must be fully vaccinated, and are required to upload their proof of vaccination at time of application. Children, ages 11 and younger, who are not fully vaccinated are welcome to enter Bermuda with a fully vaccinated parent or guardian. 

Please visit the Government of Bermuda website for information and instructions on how to submit your travel authorization application and COVID-19 vaccination and testing requirements. Once approved, the Quarantine Authority in Bermuda will email your approved Travel Authorization. All Guests must have an electronic or paper copy of the Travel Authorization to show at embarkation.

While Bermuda’s entry requirements are independent of Disney Cruise Line’s COVID-19 vaccination and testing requirements previously communicated for your sailing, test results submitted to Disney Cruise Line satisfy Bermuda’s testing requirements.

Bermuda testing requirements do not provide testing exemptions for Guests considered 90-day-recovered. Guests debarking in Bermuda are required to submit COVID-19 test results to Disney Cruise Line.

Disney Cruise Line’s vaccination and testing requirements can be found in the Know Before You Go section of our website at

Again, we look forward to your arrival and appreciate you taking the required steps necessary to sail with us.


The Cast and Crew
Disney Cruise Line

47 Replies to “Know Before You Go Updates: Bermuda Sailings – August 15, 2022”

  1. Andrew

    ‪We were PLATINUM cruisers with DCL – I say WERE because despite the new CDC vax guidelines, the MEDICAL EXPERTS at Disney foolishly decided to continue to demand ALL PASSENGERS get a vaccination that doesn’t prevent illness.

    Every other cruise line doesn’t. So now they get our business.‬ This is what happens when you think you’re smarter than everyone else. Yet another dumb move, Disney.

      1. Andrew

        I keep hoping they get with the rest of the cruise industry and stop going through the motions of acting silly. I loved my DCL cruises, but I don’t want to spend thousands of dollars sailing on a “hospital ship” that still acts like we’re in 2021

  2. Ryan

    There are so many other great itineraries to do other than Bermuda. Why would anyone agree to this when we have better options? Drop Bermuda until the end this. They are the sole DCL destination doing this silliness.

    1. Craig

      Even the Premium Cruise Lines, have changed their requirements regarding covid testing/ vaccination. I have no idea why DCL is playing a different field!

      1. Brad Jorban

        Because they do polling that confirms that people prefer the higher levels of safety than on the lesser carriers. If you do not like it, withhold your dollars! While I will miss the character interactions on the Atlantic crossing, as a Patient 0 on the Trans-Panama cruise from March 2020, I appreciate their not wanting customers to freely transmit it in the D Lounge. Plus, on a RCCL cruise earlier this summer, I confirmed why Disney should feel secure in their positions.

        1. Terry

          So, polling is more important than actual
          Science? Give DCL a few weeks. They will change like all the other cruise lines…

          1. Andrew

            Agreed. However, if they decide to go against the world and become the only cruise line that caters exclusively to the “I got my 15 shots!” crowd, as sad as it will be to no longer cruise with DCL they will have made their choice.

            1. Brad Jorban

              Good for you! That’ll show ’em, if you deprive these health conscious people of your grumpy, coughing company!

              1. Andrew

                Except I’m not sick. I’m assuming you’re one of the “Everyone’s got the plague but me!” folks? Sad. Good luck with your next 12 rounds of “boosters,”next month though! LOL

          2. Brad Jorban

            Yeah, I don’t know what that means. Do you? I’m saying that Disney peforms genuine market research and then uses math AND “actual science” to extrapolate a model that tells them what the public thinks so they can make decisions that will balance the health and happiness of their employees and customers. Meanwhile, the crazies extract facts and science from their posterior.

            As for your contention that they will shortly change, of course they will adapt, as they have 25 times since the outbreak. That doesn’t make you Nostradamus to “predict” that. I recall a bad decision maker in the White House back in March of 2020 who predicted the imminent demise of the Cornonavirus. When confronted with that quote a couple of months later during a raging pandemic, he essentially said, “Well, eventually it will go away,” as though the public was dumb enough to not comprehend the concept of recorded video. All I can tell you is that every single fool who predicted that Disney would shortly change their minds lost that bet. Nonetheless, I’m sure you will be right and your people will carry you on their shoulders as a soothsayer. In the meantime, I’m going to keep moving forward and work in the real world. You should vote with your wallet and live in whatever world conforms with your rantings, if you believe that will bring you joy. Being on a ship without cranky people will bring me mine.

            1. Andrew

              Oh, this is now a Trump thing. So it’s not that you have a stake in DCL cruises, you’re just an angry dude looking to take a break from your regular Reddit rants. 😂😂😂

              We regular folks may get back on Disney Cruises eventually. They just need to hear from our wallets that we don’t live in 2021 anymore.

                1. S

                  Brad is most definitely not in the minority. It’s just the anti-science people like to yell their anti-science from the roof tops. His post was one of the best I’ve seen on this blog. I, and many others, are quite happy to have less plague rats sailing. The anti-science crowd is probably part of the same group who have been boarding sick for years without caring about anyone else but themselves and getting other people sick.

                  1. Andrew

                    “Plague rats?” LOL That LITERALLY tells me everything I need to know about you. I’m assuming you’re triple-masked and sextuple vaccinated? 😂😂😂

                    1. Brad Jorban

                      Andrew, I don’t know why it bothers you one way or another what someone does to protect themself. The worst thing that happens if people place societal needs ahead of their own (like the Greatest Generation once did before screwing up with the Boomers) is that nobody died and we lost some time. A million Americans have died and you seem to be laughing at the bare minimum any of us should do in their honor. I don’t know what it is that hurt you so much, but you are clearly damaged and I’m going to pray that you seek the help you need and eventually find something in your life to make you truly happy. Good luck on your journey.

                  2. Marc

                    OK, let’s go with “follow the science” then. The CDC just dropped everything concerning Covid. Everything. The so-called “science” says, game over.

                    1. Brad Jorban

                      Marc, are you having a stroke? CDC is absolutely overhauling things because the US has the highest death rate of any country on the planet and the plans to change are an acknowledgement that they made many mistakes. But to suggest they dropped “everything concerning Covid. Everything.” is plain nuts.

                      The biggest problem they encountered was something they warned about measles for a decade. With the slow rise of parents not giving the kids the MMR, the vaccination rate required to contain measles was approaching the 90% threshold required to contain it. Enter Covid-19 and the spread continues because people without any of the spirit of brotherhood we saw during WW2 are keeping that rate below 80%. Science can be confusing, so let me put this in firefighting terms. The best firefighters cannot control a fire if someone keeps leaving cans of gasoline where they are trying to contain it.

                      I get that there are people that don’t believe in science or medicine, whether it’s about masking or large groups or vaccines. Sometimes, our best interpretation of the evidence in front of us leads us to stupid conclusions. But honestly, science (and this virus in particular) doesn’t care what you believe in. And just to tie it all together, apparently DCL doesn’t either.

                2. Brad Jorban

                  Marc, I truly don’t know what you mean about “people like Brad,” but we all need to be students of history and phrases like that almost always lead to war and/or bloodshed. Moreover, I promise you know very little about me and if we bet on where I stand on most positions based on your preconceptions, I would almost certainly own your house. That said, if you predicted that I would then give it back to your kids because children shouldn’t pay for the sins of their fathers, you’d be right on that one.

                  And yes, Kreskin, if you have a completely open window and grovel at the feet of Chapek for any scrap he will toss you, you are absolutely right: you’ll eventually be back. Might be years of your misery, though. If you don’t feel like waiting that long, step up and declare the date that your patience ends and stick to it. That’ll show em all! Bwah-ha-ha-haaaaa!

                  1. Marc

                    Mr. Jorban, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

                    1. Brad Jorban

                      Marc, is your issue about what you label “idiotic” a personal copyright infringement? And, most of us think you know exactly what you mean when you try to isolate and talk about people like them. You poor, tiny, little man!

              1. Brad Jorban

                Andy, I don’t know what you mean by “Trump thing.” That guy is his own dangling, miniscule Trump Thing. My point was that if you don’t draw a line in the sand and use quantitative statements, eventually “Next year, the Sox win the World Series” will ultimately come to fruition. (Took Boston EIGHTY-SIX years!) So, if you want to be a squish and refuse to say what your deadline is, eventually you will likely wait them out. But just think of how many cranky posts you can write in the meantime.

                As for not being a stakeholder, I guess your rage obscured your seeng a post above where I state I’m on the Atlantic crossing in September. Regardless, I don’t know the relevance, Andy. If you are saying that you have to have money in the game to have a voice, for god’s sake, be a man and follow your own rules. Either give DCL your money (proving to them that they don’t need to listen to you to get your dollars) or recognize that you have no “stake” in this conversation and pipe down. Or… understand that one doesn’t have to think in black and white terms. Two disparate thoughts can be held at the same time. The world is a much more interesting place than you seem to be giving it credit for, Andrew. I hope you can find your joy again.

                1. Andrew

                  Bradley, your unfunny and crude Trump joke in your opening sentence informs about the quality of person you are. You’re not worth any more of my time.

                  I do truly hope you get over your fear of the world at large. It’s not that bad a place.

                  1. Marc

                    I agree. You can’t reason with unreasonable people.

                    In this information age, ignorance is a choice. Brad’s choice is obvious.

                  2. Brad Jorban

                    Andy, I can accept that “unfunny” is in the eye of the beholder, but “crude?” The person on whose behalf you chose to take offense used more offensive language publicly than all previous presidents combined. He laughed about raping women and grabbing them by the genitalia. I guess my only fear is that fools will now hear my crude joke and insist I lead the nation. Unlike that guy, with his double digit IQ, I know my limitations and would never take the job.

                    And again, poor Andrew, I’m embarking on a 12-day DCL cruise after 2 weeks in Europe. This comes after an inferior Royal Caribbean cruise earlier this summer! I totally know how beautiful the world can be. My fondest hope shall be that you are someday able to do more than just wait with your face pressed against the glass for DCL to finish making you a cuck and tell you they are willing to take your money again. Good luck, small man.

                    1. Andrew

                      Bradley, I sincerely hope your cruise turns out to be as pleasant as this board quickly became once you started posting. LOL

            2. John

              What was once a pleasant conversation has now been ruined by Brad. Oh well. I’m vaxed as well as my wife. We’re not science deniers. But Disney will see very quickly that they made the wrong decision here. If you think Disney is using ‘actual science’ to determine anything, you’ve lost your mind. They’re using ‘dollars’ to make their decisions and it won’t take them long to see the bookings at other lines to know they made the wrong one. And, no, it’s not Nostradamus, just basic capitalism. When it happens is anyone’s guess. I’m sure Carnival and other lines do the same polling as you mention and they clearly came to a completely different set of results. Hoping we all get back on DCL without restrictions soon. Happy Sailing everyone!

              1. Andrew

                Bingo! Looking forward to seeing everyone on board sometime in the near future (when Disney gets its act together)

              2. Brad Jorban

                Johnny, I don’t know how a conversation can be accurately described as “pleasant” when Andy frequently breaks into ALL CAP rantings, but let’s ignore that for the moment. I was responding to a query about why DCL wasn’t more receptive to some people’s concerns, to which I pointed at their market research. That was my contribution to furthering the discourse. When you jumped in with your ad hominem, what question were you answering?

                Science tries to minimize the qualitative or subjective approach. (To wit, you need a vaccine this often… This group is at higher risk because… To contain an outbreak, society needs a bubble of vaccinated people of this percentage…) You seem to be fond of non-specifics like “very quickly” and “soon” and it really makes you come across as a squish. When I was really young, I wrote a letter (back when there was a thing) to Pepsi telling them that they needed to pull out of Apartheid South Africa like other decent companies had all done, to affect change. They did not by the timetable I gave them and I have not had a Pepsi soft drink since. When I was in the Army, I had a CO siphoning off supplies and nobody else ever tried to stop him. I drew a line in the sand, he crossed it yet again and ended up jailed in Heidelberg and I left, disillusioned but principled, a couple years later. I’ve never had Carl’s Jr and when In N Out Burgers said they were no longer going to comply with the law, that was it for them. Principles should run the risk of costing you something. If you want to make your point, give Chapek and the Board whatever deadline you want (although, I guess if you make it 2 years from now, that would also be perceived as wimpy) to make your point, but don’t look back. Either you have affected change with your strength or you have the satisfaction of knowing you were a man and willing to take a stand.

                Either way, how much fun will I have knowing an entire ocean rests between your grumpiness and me?!

                1. Andrew

                  Now it makes sense: Bradley makes off-color jokes on a Disney board, uses the word “grumpy” a lot and he clearly remembers being politically active when Apartheid was a thing.

                  He’s just some old guy with nothing better to do. This is his version of shaking a fist and yelling “You dang kids get off my lawn!” Enjoy your cruise, Bradley! (and be nice to the wait staff)

                  1. Brad Jorban

                    I don’t know what off color jokes you think I’m making, but I will point out to you that you make vaccination jokes while a million of your fellow Americans have died and left grieving families and friends. I say “grumpy” because I don’t wish to use more colorful language and you seem cranky and in need of some milk and cookies.

                    As for the old thing, I don’t know if 50 is old, but I’m happily married, I run marathons, have kids in school and own my own business. More importantly, I don’t know why age is a factor. Let’s assume you are younger. You are, by any reasonable measure, a crank and I think it’s a measure of the damage you have sustained in your life, but I don’t know you or the validity of why you are unpleasant. And I certainly don’t assume it’s a measure of your age, socioeconomic status, or region of the country. I served in the military to support your right to be unpleasant. You don’t need to salute or thank me for my service, but maybe you could be less unpleasant as a recognition of the sacrifice of my comrades in arms.

                    Most importantly, I am out there in the world. I’m traveling in the fashion you covet, Andy, so maybe that’s why you are mad. I’m not remotely angry, least of all about truly damaged people trying to hurt others and laughing about people dying. I just pray for you and hope that you find some peace and the feeling that someone really loves you for you. Absent that, I will take as a consolation your not taking to a central bell tower with some 2nd Amendment remedy.

                    The most important thing to recognize here, though, is that when presented with the opportunity to step up and be a man and state what you final straw would be, vis-a-vis DCL, your silence speaks volumes. Huh, did your damage come from the feeling that you are not in charge of your fate? Like how you are totally Bob Chapek’s cuck?

                    1. Andrew

                      Okay, Bradley, we’ve heard what you have to say. Very entertaining. But read the room – you’ve lost the crowd. Time to go.

                      Leave the stage with some dignity.

                2. John

                  What in the world are you talking about? Grumpy? Who’s grumpy? Apartheid? What are you rambling about? I simply stated that I doubt Disney cares at all about ‘science’ and more about ‘dollars’. They seem to have decided at the moment that a niche exists that would provide them more passengers and revenue with their current rules model than the ones like the other lines. I have no ‘deadline’ for Disney other than my final payment date in Feb 2023 for a cruise in May 2023. If the rules haven’t changed by then I’ll request my deposit back. If at some point they change in the future post Feb 2023 then I’ll be back. It’s really that easy. I like their cruises, been on a bunch pre-covid. Would love to go again. If they make it easy for me to travel with them I’ll be back. If not, I won’t. I have no idea how something as simple as that became some really weird, rambling, principled, Apartheid discussion about jail time in Heidelberg. Very strange.

                  1. Brad Jorban

                    And my point is that I have a track record of being a man and taking a stand even when it costs me. I was presenting you (and these other people ranting about public safety) the opportunity to let Disney know if you were mad and not going to take it anymore. You don’t care that much. Respect for knowing what’s important to you, particularly if nothing strikes you as important enough to sacrifice for it.

                    Since I assume nobody wishes to toil in ignorance, Apartheid was a dispicable government policy of state-enforced racism in South Africa, changed when economic forces (like boycotts, if you are catching on) mandated it. You never served in the Armed Forces, but Heidelberg was a famous Army prison, equivalent to Fort Leavenworth. And Carls, Jr and In-N-Out are fast food “restaurants.” Hope you find that helpful.

                    And the evolution of the discussion is self-evident if you read the chain. Less so if you cherry-pick. Hope you are able to either take your trip or decide the conditions aren’t too onerous.

                    1. John

                      Yikes. That post drips with condescension. Yes, I understand Apartheid. I’ve eaten at Carl’s Jr. I dont need to know that Heidelberg is a famous Army prison since it makes absolutely no sense for this conversation. It’s a weird rambling thought from someone who is clearly troubled. Look…many of us here simply would like to take a Disney cruise without restrictions.. It’s that simple. I have no problem if you would like to cruise with more restrictions. No issues at all. But disagreeing with many of us here doesn’t mean we’re ‘ranting’, it doesn’t mean we’re ‘grumpy’ or that we need to draw a ‘line in the sand’. Unfortunately, I don’t think any more of your posts will actually be rational, so I’ll be moving on. I truly wish you have a great upcoming cruise. Happy Sailing!

  3. Ryan

    This looks suspiciously like a money grab. Math it out. They are basically getting a six figure sum for every ship that ports. Every Bermuda citizen who wants a vaccine can get one, so this is not in the name of protecting Bermuda, this is for cash. Drop Bermuda. If this money grab catches on, we’re going to have every island pulling this stunt in the name of safety (which is code word for cash).

    1. Mark

      It’s totally a money grab. They literally do NOTHING now. They will routinely collect anywhere from about $35,000 to maybe $75,000 per cruise ship, per visit. It’s ridiculous.

      The only way to get it to stop, is to stop sailing with any cruise line that visits there while this is in force. Anything else, it isn’t going to change.

    2. Terry

      Good point Ryan and yes, I agree with you on the money grab. We, as customers can make that change by not booking that itinerary and Disney, drop the vaccines that don’t work requirement. As a Platinum, I’m a bit tired of waiting to cruise again so I will take my business elsewhere until you do.

      1. Jo

        Terry, so agree with you. Our whole family is platinum, and have been waiting to cruise. We are now looking at other lines and have found some attractive cruises. I know DCL will probably not miss the 18 (extended family included) fares from us. We, however, will enjoy all the money we will be saving by NOT cruising DCL. Someone asked why bother following the updates. I think for some of us it is because we felt a kinship with some of the others on this site and enjoyed hearing about their experiences.

    3. Brad Jorban

      It is undeniably a money grab but, for an economy so reliant on tourism, this fee is how they pay for what safety protocols they have had in place since 2020. On a $10,000 12-day cruise, it seems petty and elitist for me to complain about $40/person when I feel so blessed as an economically-secure American to be able to share their island’s beauty.

  4. J

    Bermuda is a pathetic, boring, and the locals are disgusting. Just stay on the boat when they land in this cheap hole.

    1. Marc

      Yes, if that’s the game Bermuda wants to play then DCL could just say to the unvaxxed that they can’t get off the ship at that port due to that country’s regulations.


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