Disney Movie Insiders, previously known as Disney Movie Rewards, launched an all new sweepstakes with a grand prize 3-night Bahamian Cruise aboard the Disney Wish. The sweepstakes winner will get the opportunity to be among the first to sail the Disney Wish on a 3-night preview sailing tentatively scheduled for June 5, 2022.
The Disney Movie Insiders Enchanted Cruise Sweepstakes grand prize includes a 3-night Bahamian Cruise aboard the Disney Wish (tentatively embarking on June 5, 2022) for 4 with round trip airfare and ground transportation along with a 1-night stay (tentatively on June 4, 2021) at a Walt Disney World hotel before the cruise. Oh, and a $200 Disney gift card.
The Enchanted Cruise Sweepstakes will also award 10 runners up with a prize package featuring a Disney Wish bronze replica keel coin, Disney Cruise Line “Making of the Disney Wish” coffee table book, and a Captain Minnie plush toy.
To enter the Disney Movie Insiders Enchanted Cruise Sweepstakes, visit the Disney Movie Insiders website, and sign in or join. The first entry is free with subsequent entries redeemable for 5 Disney Movie Insider points. You may enter up to 100 times.
According to the fine print, no purchase is necessary. The sweepstakes is open to Disney Movie Insiders Members who are legal residents of the 50 US/DC and US-owned T&P’s, 18 years and older only. Sweepstakes starts 7/1/21, ends 8/31/21. For Official Rules, including odds, free method of entry, and prize descriptions, click HERE.