In this installment of The Vault, we are going to take a trip back to 1989 with a look at Disney’s early days of land and sea vacations aboard the Big Red Boat with a partnership with Premier Cruise Lines which inevitably led to the decision to go full ahead with the launch of Disney Cruise Line a decade later.
All in One Wonderful Week
Your Cruise
Your Free Walt Disney World Vacation
It’s Your Choice
The page numbers are now out of order, but that is how they are listed on page 2 in the table of contents.
Deck Plans and Sailing Dates
Fly/Cruise Airfares
Add on extra luxury, extra days
Special Plans for Special People
Important Details
Special thanks again to Scott Weinfeld for taking the time to scan his copy of his 1989 Premier Cruise Lines 1989 Rates & Information Vacation Planning Booklet. We have some more fun stuff to share in future installments of The Vault, if you have anything unique to share drop me an email.
Our honeymoon was on the SS/Atlantic in September of 1989. I have many photos and memories from the trip. We partnered it with a few days at WDW, including our first trip to MGM Studios. What a difference between DCL and the Premiere ships!!!
My family took our first cruise over Thanksgiving with Premiere in 1989 due to this joining with Disney. We did the Land and Sea package. It was awesome! Think I can get DCL to let me count that cruise towards my Platinum status now, haha?!?
My first cruise ever was on the Majestic in 1989. Thanks for the memories 🙂
I went on this cruise in jr high with my mom. The whole trip was awesome. Coco Beach was fun