On June 15, 2016, the Disney Magic made her inaugural call to Le Havre (Paris) during the first 12-Night British Isles Cruise. Below are a some of the many social media shares of the Disney Magic in Le Havre.
#Mickey visite #LeHavre avec son paquebot #DisneyMagic
Alors @DisneyCruise c'est comment #LH ? pic.twitter.com/shLhxgNgfd
— Les Havraisemblables (@havraisemblable) June 15, 2016
Aujourd'hui, escale inaugurale du paquebot #DisneyMagic (@DisneyCruise) ! #LeHavre #Croisiere #Cruise #Normandie pic.twitter.com/7GBXvU2oba
— Le Havre Étretat Tourisme (@lehavreetretat) June 15, 2016
Am amazing sight at Normandy Beach #live #disneycruise #britishisles pic.twitter.com/aiTCeaCUuU
— StorybookDestination (@StorybookD) June 15, 2016
The Disney Magic will return to Le Havre in next summer during the 2017 British Isles cruise and the 7-Night Western Europe Cruise from Dover to Barcelona Cruise.