The Walt Disney Company 2021 Shareholders Meeting: “Maybe by this Fall” for Limited Cruise Operations

Today, the Walt Disney Company held their annual shareholders meeting. The live streamed event covered aspects across the company, including a brief mention of Disney Cruise Line’s next cruise ship, Continue Reading →

VIDEO: Disney Wish Mid Hull Segment Arriving at Meyer Werft – February 25, 2021

On February 25, 2021, Ems -Dollart Media posted a new video of the conveyance of a mid hull segment block for the Disney Wish as it was towed through the Continue Reading →

VIDEO: Disney Wish Bow and Keel Blocks Arriving at Meyer Werft – February 24, 2021

On February 24, 2021, Ems -Dollart Media posted additional video of the conveyance of sections of the Disney Wish‘s keel, bulbous bow, and bow thrusters through the Kiel Canal with Continue Reading →

VIDEO: Disney Wish Bow and Keel Blocks Kiel Canal Conveyance – February 22, 2021

On February 22, 2021, Unimedien captured some wonderful video of the conveyance of sections of the Disney Wish‘s keel, bulbous bow, and bow thrusters through the Kiel Canal. The blocks Continue Reading →

Disney Wish Meyer Werft Construction Update – January 18, 2021

The Disney Wish construction continues to steam ahead at the Meyer Werft shipyard in Papenburg, Germany. Earlier today, Meyer Weft updated their web cams to show the latest progress of the Continue Reading →