Wellington, New Zealand Port Summary
Located at the southwestern tip of the North Island, where green hills meet a sparkling harbor, Wellington welcomes visitors with urban charm and spectacular scenery. Though Wellington is not as sprawling and expansive as other capital cities, this compact city boasts a robust dining and cultural scene, peppered with hidden laneways and colorful street art, while also serving as a creative hub for the Royal New Zealand Ballet, the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra and several film production studios. Head to the bustling waterfront for world-class museums like the Te Papa Tongarewa and the Museum of Wellington City and Sea. And for outdoor pursuits, adventure-seekers will find their haven in the harbor’s waters and lush surrounding wilderness—ideal for hiking, mountain biking, sailing, kayaking and white-water rafting.
Ascend the Kelburn hillside in a cable car to take in unrivalled views of the city and harbor, and perhaps enjoy a scoop of ice cream at the top. For something more substantial, Wellington’s culinary landscape caters to a wide range of tastes, offering everything from fine dining to trendy cafés and eclectic eateries, and complemented by the picturesque vineyards of nearby Wairarapa.
For additional information please visit the Wellington, New Zealand website.Call
View detailed past and future Wellington, New Zealand visit history.
Wellington, New Zealand 🇳🇿
- Wellington Harbour Entrance Webcams
ReportThe busy entrance to Te Whanganui-a-tara Wellington harbour is monitored from Beacon Hill Signal Station.
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Clouds: broken clouds
% Clouds: 75%
Wind: S at 17 mph

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Weather Station: Wellington