Christchurch (Lyttelton), New Zealand Port Summary
Nested on the east coast of New Zealand’s South Island, Christchurch enchants with its stunning landscape, picturesque beaches and meandering Avon River. Cruise ships dock in Lyttelton, the oldest settlement on Banks Peninsula has a variety of shops and cafés to discover and is just a 20 minutes’ drive from Christchurch.
According to the port, there will be dedicated shuttles from the cruise berth to both Lyttelton and Christchurch. There is no walk off access from the cruise berth.
For great views of the harbour, your cruise ship and maybe the chance to spot our resident Hector’s dolphins, take a ferry trip across to Diamond Harbour. Diamond Harbour is one of the sunniest seaside villages on Banks Peninsula with walks for all abilities and cafés offering delicious food and coffee.
For more information on Lyttelton visit the Lyttelton Information Centre.
For more information on what to do in and around Christchurch visit ChristchurchNZ.
For additional information please visit the Christchurch (Lyttelton), New Zealand website.Call
View detailed past and future Christchurch (Lyttelton), New Zealand visit history.
Lyttelton, 8082 New Zealand 🇳🇿
- Harbour Webcams
ReportA collection of port webcams.
10-Night Disney Magic at Sea Cruise from Auckland ending in Sydney
5-Night Disney Magic at Sea Cruise from Auckland

Clouds: overcast clouds
% Clouds: 100%
Wind: S at 12 mph

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Weather Station: Christchurch