Tauranga, New Zealand Port Summary
Tauranga is a harbourside city in the Bay of Plenty region on New Zealand's North Island. Tauranga is renowned for its stunning natural beauty and outdoor activities. Key points of interest include Mount Maunganui, a popular destination for hiking and enjoying panoramic views of the Bay of Plenty. The city's waterfront area, The Strand, offers a lively atmosphere with numerous cafes, restaurants, and bars. The city includes historic buildings like the Elms Mission Station, an 1847 Georgian-style home. Tauranga is also close to the beautiful beaches of Papamoa and the enchanting McLaren Falls Park, which features picturesque waterfalls and walking trails. An active volcano, Whakaari, sits 30 miles offshore in the Bay of Plenty, and is accessible by helicopter or boat.
For additional information please visit the Tauranga, New Zealand website.Call
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Mount Maunganui, 3116 New Zealand 🇳🇿
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ReportA collection of webcams hosted by the port.
10-Night Disney Magic at Sea Cruise from Auckland ending in Sydney

Clouds: scattered clouds
% Clouds: 31%
Wind: NE at 1 mph

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Weather Station: Tauranga