La Romana, Dominican Republic Port Summary
La Romana has not been a passenger port of call for Disney Cruise Line, but the Disney Fantasy did call on the port during the Coronavirus pandemic to repatriate crew members back to the Dominican Republic.
This port was built in the 1950s, by then Gulf and Wester, today Central Romana. It is located at the mouth of the Chavón river and works within the facilities of the Central Romana.
It has two berths: the commercial pier and the tourist terminal, which operate on the eastern and western banks, respectively.
Its operations include: Export of sugar and molasses, produced in the Central Romana; In addition, handling of cargo in containers, loose cargo (free zone); and fuels; in addition to cruise services.
The tourist pier is designed to receive cruises, and handle the embarkation and disembarkation of passengers.
For additional information please visit the La Romana, Dominican Republic website.Call
View detailed past and future La Romana, Dominican Republic visit history.
Dominican Republic 🇩🇴
Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Disney Wonder
Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Rain: light rain
% Clouds: 40%
Wind: NEE at 12 mph
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Weather Station: La Romana