Port Adventure Summary

Blue Lagoon Island Dolphin Encounter (N21) Summary

Nassau, Bahamas

$164.00 (ages 10 and up) $149.00 (ages 3 to 9)

This port adventure was first found on 06-25-2014 and was last updated on 05-09-2024.

To learn more about this port adventure, including the latest pricing and age restrictions, please visit DCL's webpage for this excursion.
Blue Lagoon Island Dolphin Encounter (N21) Review Summary
This port adventure has been recommended by 100% of our readers who have submitted reviews.
Overall Rating

Tour Guide


Reader Submitted Reviews
Submit a Review
Janet Sailed: August 16, 2009
Submitted: January 1, 2015
Overall Review
This was a lot of fun. To be able to interact with the dolphins in such close quarters was an adventure, and something our son will never forget. The changing areas were a little sparse and be prepared for the hard sell for photos and videos afterwards, but overall I would definitely recommend this.
Tour Guide
Not Applicable

Disclaimer User Reviews -The reviews and ratings expressed have been submitted by our readers. Although, they have been approved for display, they do not necessarily reflect the the views of the Disney Cruise Line Blog.