Disney Fun in the Sun Beach Bash – Play-Play Pavilion on Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point

The Play-Play Pavilion on Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point is a venue near the family beach offering a location for games, activities, as well as a meeting spot for Disney Lookout Cay Seek and Find, a scavenger hunt offered for tweens and teens.

Lookout Cay Play Play Pavilion

The Play-Play Pavilion (13 on the map) is located near the southern portion of the family beach on the Atlantic Ocean side of Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point.

Disney Lookout Cay At Lighthouse Point Destination Map © Disney
Lookout Cay Play Play Pavilion

Disney Fun in the Sun Beach Bash is the marquee event held at the Play-Play Pavilion offering guests of all ages to enjoy some music and beach games with Disney friends, all to the sound of Bahamian renditions of Disney tunes arranged and performed by Bahamian artists.

The beach bash kicks off with the energetic arrival of Goofy, Pluto, Chip and Dale led by an Entertainment Host all dancing to a medley of familiar Disney beach tunes. Inspired by the spirit of Junkanoo, the characters are wearing their distinct looks created by Bahamian fashion designer Theodore Elyett.

Lookout Cay Play Play Pavilion Characters

The beach bash switches gears welcoming guests to join in the fun with Goofy takes it to the next level holding a towel during Goofy’s Good Day Limbo!

Chip & Dale look on as guests proceed in the limbo’s conga line while they wait for their time in the spotlight.

Pluto’s Pineapple Ring Toss is the next beach game offered during the beach bash where guests can take turns tossing rings onto wooden pineapples.

Now, it is time to cool off with the introduction of water during Chip-n-Dale’s Water Brigade where participants attempt to move water from one side of the pavilion to the other filing a bucket using a sponge that is passed down the line.

There were also some games available on one of the picnic tables such a deck of cards, wooden dominos, and a Little Mermaid character game.

Lookout Cay Play Play Pavilion Games

Check out the following video for some of the highlights of Disney Fun in the Sun Beach Bash during it’s first offering on June 7th.

Which beach game do you want to play the most?

3 Replies to “Disney Fun in the Sun Beach Bash – Play-Play Pavilion on Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point”

  1. Kyle

    All of Lookout Cay seems..simply, underwhelming at this point. This seems so cheesy and aimed solely at families with young kids. We are DINK’s and love the luxury vibe of Disney which we felt like we got on the classic ships, the Dream, and Fantasy. Being able to escape to Remy, Palo, and then serenity bay gave us the taste of disney we love but with an upscale and luxury feeling that matched the price point. I don’t feel that the value seems to be there on the new Wish (way too commercial, way too super hero, way too…cheesy).

    Even the narration on the shuttles to Lookout Cay feels…cheesy. I can’t. I almost cringe with second hand embarrassment watching it.

    Thanks for the attention to detail and content, as always. Much appreciated !

    P.S. I’ve been eagerly awaiting your full review, scott. seems at this point you’re tip-toeing about your experience. JUST GIVE US THE SCOOP, lol. What did you think of your experience?! Or are you going to keep teasing with these micro-reviews? dying for the full enchilada! 🙂


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