Fiordland National Park, New Zealand Port Summary
Fiordland National Park it not an actual port of call. The ship will sail in the fiords in the area of Fiordland National Park.
Situated in the southwest of New Zealand’s South Island, Fiordland National Park (a UNESCO World Heritage Site) enchants with towering mountains, lush forests and deep fiords carved by glaciers over a millennia. Often hailed as one of the world’s best natural wonders, Fiordland National Park is made up of 14 glacial-carved fiords, ironically named as “sounds.” This untamed national treasure offers a vivid glimpse into how the world once was thousands of years ago and acts as a sanctuary for many endangered birds.
Discover exciting sites and attractions both in and around Fiordland National Park. Be inspired by the grandeur that surrounds you on the serene waters of Milford Sound, home to stunning vistas, cascading waterfalls as high as 3,000 feet (1000 meters), and unique flora and fauna. You may even spot some local dolphins or seals. Sail through Fiordland National Park’s deepest fiord, Doubtful Sound. The Māori name for this remote gem Patea, meaning “place of silence.” The steep and dramatic Mitre Peak also offers a spectacular opportunity to photograph nature at its incredible best. Other sights you can expect to see as the ship glides through these pristine waters are the Earl Mountains, Mirror Lakes and the Cleddau River.
View detailed past and future Fiordland National Park, New Zealand visit history.
Southland, New Zealand 🇳🇿
10-Night Disney Magic at Sea Cruise from Auckland ending in Sydney
Clear: clear sky
% Clouds: 5%
Wind: E at 6 mph
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Weather Station: Southland